On 24 May 2021, H.E. Ambassador Singtong Lapisatepunpresided over theOpening Ceremony of theRoyal Thai Volunteer Activity “Thai Books to the Hearts of Thai Prisoners and Detainees”aiming to enhance happiness and self-developmentof Thai prisoners and detainees in Japan. TheVolunteer Activityis under the Royal Thai Volunteer Project initiative of H.M. the King of Thailand.
ThisVolunteer Activity received cooperation from Team Thailand in Tokyo,Buddhist Temple of Tokyo (Wat Im Boon Dharma Ram), Wat Pak Nam Japan, Wat Pah Buddharangsee Tokyo Japan and Thai people in donating a variety of Thai books,including prayer books, novels, magazines, Japanese languagetextbooks and Japanese-Thai dictionary. The Royal Thai Embassy will distribute these books to threeprisons and one detention facility in Japan, namely (1) Tochigi Prison,
(2) Fuchu Prison, (3) Kofu Prison, and (4) Chiba Detention Centre, where Thai nationals are detained. The prisons and detention facilitywill keep these donated books in their central libraries so that Thai prisoners and detainees as well as other prisoners who are interested can enjoy reading them.