On June 9, 2023, H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, hosted a lunch meeting with 18 Thai students and teacher who are members of the Thai Student Group in Sendai at Chada Thai Restaurant during his visit to Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Ambassador Singtong went to Sendai to attend the annual meeting of the Sendai-Thailand Economic Friendship Association and the 11th Thai Festival in Sendai.
The Thai Student Group in Sendai, of which members are short-term exchange students and long-term university students in Sendai, is affiliated with the Thai Student Association in Japan (TSAJ). The Group plays an important role in supporting Thai students and coordinating activities including cultural festivals and social gatherings, which help foster a sense of community and promote Thai culture. Furthermore, in case of an emergency or disaster, the Group’s leader will be a contact point for the Royal Thai Embassy in communicating with Thai community in the area for the timely provision of assistance.