On 4 September 2024, H.E. Mr. Witchu Vejjajiva, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, visited the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) upon their invitation and had a discussion with Mr. ISHII Keita and Mr. SUZUKI Jun, Co-Chairs of the Japan-Thailand Trade and Economic Committee of at Keidanren Kaikan in Tokyo.
The Ambassador also gave a special talk on “Thailand’s Expectation for Japan-Thailand Future Cooperation” to about 40 executives of Japan’s leading companies and business associations who are members of Keidanren. In his address, Ambassador Witchu assured Japan’s business community of the continuity of Thailand's economic policies, including targeted industries and the government’s incentive packages, development of Special Economic Zones and quality infrastructures, promotion of decarbonization and sustainability in businesses. He stressed the importance of Japan in enhancing its partnership with Thailand to take on the global challenges facing the two countries, caused by fast changing geo-political and economic landscapes. He also proposed to Japanese businesses for their consideration to deepen cooperation with Thailand for their mutual benefits under the concept of “Thailand Next Level”. This idea welcomes Japan’s increasing support for upgrading their existing investment in Thailand to achieve greater added value and high technology-oriented production, incorporating Thailand’s into Japan’s new value chains, particularly in the future-oriented industries, promoting energy transition and restructuring of production activities to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable, and upskilling Thailand’s human resources to support all these objectives.