
Ambassador Welcomed the Minister of Education and Kosen Scholarship Students


On 17 May 2018, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag welcomed H.E. Mr. Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, Minister of Education of Thailand on the occasion of visiting Japan to enhance cooperation with the College of Techonology (Kosen) to create innovation in education. It was an opportunity to meet with 11 Thai government scholarship students, who came to further their studies at Kosen from the 1st year (the 1st year of high school) at the Royal Thai Embassy. The Minister counselled the students to pay attention to their studies and to gain high technology knowledge from Japan and bring it back to develop the country in the future. Every scholarship student was the future hope of the country. In addition, Ambassador Bansarn also told the students that if there are any problems, don’t hesitate to inform us immediately and the Royal Thai Embassy is willing to enhance the education cooperation with Japan, based upon government policy.  

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