In response to the declaration of a quasi state of emergency in Tokyo and other 12 prefectures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, to be effective from 21 January - 13 February 2022, the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo will adjust the working hours of the consular services starting on Friday, 21 January 2022 until the end of the quasi state of emergency in Tokyo, to the following: Monday – Friday (except Embassy’s holidays) between 09.00 - 12.00 hrs. and 13.30 - 14.30 hrs.
1. Thai and foreign nationals who wish to receive consular services (such as passport, Thai national ID card, civil registration) are requested to make an online appointment in advance. For more information on consular services and appointments, please visit the following sites:
Passport: https://site.thaiembassy.jp/th/services/passport/
Legalization/Registration: https://site.thaiembassy.jp/en/services/legalization/
Thai Identification Card: https://site.thaiembassy.jp/th/services/id-card/
To prevent the crowdedness in the service area and reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19, the Royal Thai Embassy would like to request for consideration of postponement of non essential application until the COVID-19 situation improves.
In the case that an applicant is not able to make an online appointment as per above-mentioned, the Embassy will provide a queue card available from 09.00 hrs. onwards with limited number of up to 10 queue cards per day. The applicant can submit the card in order to receive a consular service within the specified time. The Embassy will provide services by giving the priority to the applicants who make an online appointment in advance, and reserves the rights to refuse service to the applicant who does not submit the queue card within the specified time.
2. For visa application, kindly be advised to make an online appointment in advance via the Visa Appointment Booking Online (VABO) system (http://site.thaiembassy.jp/en/visa/about/426/). Currently, the Royal Thai Embassy accepts all types of visa applications, the same as before the declaration of state of emergency in Thailand. Moreover, Visa Exemption scheme has also been available since 22 December 2020. For more information on visa applications and Visa Exemption scheme, please visit http://site.thaiembassy.jp/en/visa/type/.
3. For consultations via telephone, please find the Embassy’s contact numbers as per attachment.
4. To prevent the possible spread of COVID-19, the Royal Thai Embassy requests for kind cooperation on the following:
- Wear a surgical mask or cloth mask during your visit to the Embassy.
- Allow security officers at the Embassy’s gate to measure body temperature before entering the Embassy’s compound. The Embassy reserves the rights to deny entry of those who have a fever above 37.5 degree Celsius and those who show COVID-19 like symptoms.
- Only the applicants are allowed to enter the consular service area. Accompanying persons are not allowed in the service area.
- Please use alcohol-based hand sanitizers, provided by the Embassy, to clean your hands and wrists. Also, please keep social distancing while in the Embassy.
- Those with sickness, fever or breathing problems, are requested to refrain from visiting the Embassy to obtain the consular services.