
Found: 10

The Ambassador attended the “Lala Love Fashion Show

On 20 March 2017, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag attended the “Lala Love Fashion Show” which is one program of the Tokyo Fashion Week at Shibuya Hikarie Hall B. This fashion show presented the local “Pha Khao Ma” through international dress which was designed by Ms. Linda Charoenlab, Thai famous designer. On 20 March 2017, ...

Chargé d’Affaires attended a fashion show at BUNKA Fashion Week

On November 2, 2023, Ms. Prangtip Kanchanahattakij, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim, together with Mr. Kittiphan Bangyikhan, Minister Counsellor (Industrial Affairs), attend a fashion show at the BUNKA Fashion Week, held at Bunka Fashion College, Tokyo to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the College. The event presented a showcase of Thai garments which were beautifully incorporated into two outfits in one of the students' collections ...

Fashion show and Exhibition “Thai Textile : A Touch of Thai in Tokyo”

On 19 August 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag co-hosted the Fashion Show and Exhibition “Thai Textile: A Touch of Thai in Tokyo” at Tokyo National Museum. The event was presided over by H.E. Ittiphol Kumplome, Minister of Culture of Thailand, On 19 August 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag co-hosted the Fashion Show ...

­ablankpage. X Royal Thai Embassy Tokyo/ AS YEARS GOES BYS. “ablankpage. X EDWIN X NISHIKAWA KEORI fashion show

On September 2, 2023, the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo collaborated with Mr. Phoovadej Larprojpaiboon, also known as Pro, a young Thai designer and the founder of the brand "ablankpage," to host a fashion show at Shibuya Hikarie Hall B. This event was a part of the Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2024 and aimed to spotlight the creative competency and potential of the next generation of Thai designers among the Japanese fashion industry. The event attracted ...

แฟชั่นโชว์โดย ablankpage. X Royal Thai Embassy Tokyo/ AS YEARS GOES BYS. “ablankpage. X EDWIN X NISHIKAWA KEORI

... กรุงโตเกียวร่วมกับแบรนด์ ablankpage. ของ โปร ภูวเดช ลาภโรจน์ไพบูลย์ดีไซน์เนอร์ชาวไทยจัดแฟชั่นโชว์ในงาน Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2024 S/S ที่ Shibuya Hikarie Hall B เพื่อนำเสนอความคิดสร้างสรรค์และศักยภาพของนักออกแบบไทยสู่วงการแฟชั่นแนวหน้าของญี่ปุ่น ...

ablankpage. X Royal Thai Embassy Tokyo/ AS YEARS GOES BYS. “ablankpage. X EDWIN X NISHIKAWA KEORIファッションショー

... 会場には、フュージョンのタイ料理の軽食として春巻き風の海老のすり身揚げや、チャコールカラーの「カノムトーキョー(東京菓子)」に加えて、タイティーやレモングラス水が用意され、来場者に好評でした。 シントン・ラーピセートパン大使はインタビューに応じて、ファッションはタイ政府が世界に向けてPRを推進しているタイ文化5Fs(food, films, fashion, fighting, festivals)の一つであり、タイ出身のデザイナーが国際的な舞台で作品を発表したことは嬉しいと述べました。9月6-9日には、東京都の代官山にあるSpace Rという会場を使い、一般向けに作品を展示しました。詳細はブランドの公式インスタグラムをご覧ください。Instagram: ...

ファッションショーと展示会「Thai Textile: A Touch of Thai in Tokyo」

... matchのスタイリストとして来日しました。またファッションショーではミスユニバース2018日本代表の加藤遊海さんが、モデルとしてフィナーレに参加しました。 当日は、河野香外務大臣夫人、各国の駐日大使、元駐タイ日本大使らが出席した他、ファッションや繊維業界、日本で活躍する女性や報道関係者など多方面からの関心を集めました。 Fashion Show Clip by the Japan Times Fashion Show Clip

Ambassador presided over the opening ceremony of the 24th Thai Festival Tokyo

... modern use and creative designs; and hence, adding value to the craftmanship of women and rural communities while contributing to their greater well-being. In addition, "ablankpage," a Thai designer brand based in Japan, launched a runway show of outfits using the fabrics from the "Fun wearing Thai Fashion” project to feature a special collection for the Thai Festival. The show was accompanied by an awe-inspiring performances by Keng Tachaya, a Thai artist, and Maria Seiren, a Japanese Opera singer, with Sea-Keen from GMMTV as one of many distinguished ...

Royal Patronage of a people and a culture

... crafts' sake (although the preservation of dying techniques is part of it) but more because Queen Sirikit has been instrumental showing those handicrafts continue to have a real market value. Indeed, Her Majesty is SUPPORT's best customer, using handicraft ... ... been personally popularized by Her Majesty who has agion revitalized dying crafts by exemplifying how they can serve today's fashions. Most striking is the case of yan lipao vine weaving, an old craft from southern Thailand. Various durable household ...

2013.10.05 ASEAN Festival 2013

..., Secretary-General of ASEAN-Japan Centre and special guests presented at the opening ceremony. The activities included not only 70 booths ranging from food, products, tourism and culture promotion but also stage performance such as national costume fashion show, traditional dance, and live concert.  Thailand presented Thai boxing from Hamakko Muaythai Gym and Thai traditional music by the Royal Thai Embassy Ensemble.
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