On 30 January 2024, Ms. Sirimon Atipatya, Minister Counsellor, welcomed Miss Chananya Aeamklin, a 6th grader from Ban Lam Daeng School, whose artwork titled "Street food" won the gold prize at the 34th MOA Children’s Art Exhibition. Chananya, her mother, and her art teacher participated in the award presenting ceremony at the MOA Museum of Art, Atami City, Shizuoka prefecture on 28 January 2024.
The contest in Thailand was held in cooperation with Rangsit Science Centre for Education and the MOA Thai Foundation. This year 1,755 pieces of art ...
On 31 January 2023, H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, welcomed Miss Punnapon Uyapitang, a first-grader of Anuban Nongkai School whose artwork name "Sprinkle Water onto Luangpor Phrasai Buddha Image" has won the gold prize from the 33
MOA Children’s Art Exhibition. Punnapon and her mother have participated in the award presenting ceremony at the MOA Museum of Art, Atami City, Shizuoka prefecture on 29 January 2023.
The contest in Thailand was held in cooperation with Rangsit Science Centre for Education and the MOA Thai Foundation. This year 1,053 pieces of art ...