
Found: 16

Ambassador co-presides over the opening ceremony of the Japan-Thailand Cultural Festival 2024 at Nittai-ji Temple

On 5 October 2024, H.E. Mr. Witchu Vejjajiva, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, gave remarks at the opening ceremony of the Japan-Thailand Cultural Festival 2024 at the Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, at the invitation of Mr. MIWA Yoshihiro, Honorary Consul-General of Thailand in Nagoya, who delivered his speech at the Honorary Chairman of the apan-Thailand Cultural Festival Committee. Other distinguished participants ...

10.23 Worship and Wreath-Laying Ceremony on King Rama V’s Memorial Day

... Tokyo, Royal Thai Consulate-General, Osaka together with the Head of Thai offices in Japan and the representative of Honorary Consulate-General in Nagoya to attend the worship and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of King Rama V’s memorial day at Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya, Aichi prefectureNittai-ji, meaning Japan-Thai Temple, is the symbol of the long relationship and Buddhism relations between Thailand and Japan. It was constructed as a memorial on the occasion that King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) gave the ...

Chargé d' affaires ad interim attended Japan-Thailand Cultural Festival 2023 at Nittai-ji Temple

On 14 October 2023, Ms. Prangtip Kanchanahattakij, Chargé d'affaires ad interim of the Royal Thai Embassy, delivered remarks at the opening ceremony of the Japan-Thailand Cultural Festival 2023 at Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. The ceremony featured esteemed guests, including Mr. MIWA Yoshihiro - Royal Thai Honorary Consul-General in Nagoya and Honorary Chairman of the Japan-Thailand Cultural Festival Committee, Venerable MURAKAMI Enryu ...

Worship and Wreath-Laying Ceremony on King Rama V’s Memorial Day

... from Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo, Osaka together with the Head of Thai offices in Japan and the representative of Honorary Consulate-General in Nagoya to attend the worship and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of King Rama V’s memorial day at Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya, Aichi prefecture. On 23 October 2017, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag led the Team Thailand from Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo, Osaka together with the Head of Thai offices in Japan and the representative of Honorary Consulate-General ...

2013.10.23 Worship and Wreath-Laying Ceremony on King Rama V’s Memorial Day

... Royal Thai Consulate-General, Osaka, together with Heads of Thai public offices in Japan and the representative of Honorary Consulate-General in Nagoya, to attend the worship and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of King Rama V’s memorial day at Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya, Aichi prefecture. Nittai-ji was constructed as a memorial on the occasion that King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) gave the relics of Buddha Sakyamuni (placed in stupa) and the Buddha statue to Japanese Buddhists in 1900.

Worship ceremony on Chulalongkorn Day

On 23 October 2011, Ambassador Virasakdi Futrakul and his spouse led officials and spouses of the Embassy and Consulate-General in Osaka to attend the memorial service for King Chulalongkorn at Nittai-ji Temple, which houses his statue, in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. Mr. Takayasu Miwa, Honorary Consulate in Nagoya was also present. On 23 October 2011, Ambassador Virasakdi Futrakul and his spouse led officials and spouses of the Embassy and Consulate-General ...

Worship and Wreath-Laying Ceremony on King Rama V’s Memorial Day

... Royal Thai Consulate-General, Osaka, together with Heads of Thai public offices in Japan and the representative of Honorary Consulate-General in Nagoya, to attend the worship and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of King Rama V’s memorial day at Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya, Aichi prefecture. Nittai-ji was constructed as a memorial on the occasion that King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) gave the relics of Buddha Sakyamuni (placed in stupa) and the Buddha statue to Japanese Buddhists in 1900.

Worship and Wreath-Laying Ceremony on King Rama V’s Memorial Day

... Thai Consulate-General, Osaka, together with Heads of Thai public offices in Japan and the representative of Honorary Consulate-General in Nagoya, to attend the worship and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of King Rama V’s memorial day at Nittai-ji Temple, Nagoya, Aichi prefecture. Nittai-ji was constructed as a memorial on the occasion that King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) gave the relics of Buddha Sakyamuni (placed in stupa) and the Buddha statue to Japanese Buddhists in 1900.

大使が「日・タイ文化フェス2024 in 覚王山日泰寺」の開会式に出席

2024年10月5日、ウィッチュ・ウェチャーチーワ大使は愛知県名古屋市にある覚王山日泰寺で開催された「日・タイ文化フェス2024」の開会式に出席し、同フェス名誉実行委員長である三輪芳弘在名古屋タイ王国名誉総領事、同フェス実行委員長の日泰寺の村上圓竜代表役員、名古屋市の河村たかし市長らと共に挨拶を行いました。 大使は挨拶の中で、タイと日本のあらゆる分野における協力を含む、長く親密な関係を強調しました。また、両国の歴史的関係の象徴である日泰寺で日・タイ文化フェスが開催されることについて、国民同士の協力を促進することであり、文化的イベントを通して相互理解がより緊密になると述べました。...


... พร้อมคณะเจ้าหน้าที่จากสถานกงสุลใหญ่ฯ เข้าร่วมพิธีสักการะและวางพวงมาลา เนื่องในโอกาสวันปิยมหาราช ณ วัด Nittai-ji เมืองนาโงยะ จังหวัดไอจิ โดยมี Mr. Takayasu Miwa กงสุลกิตติมศักดิ์ประจำเมืองนาโงยะเข้าร่วมด้วย เมื่อวันที่ ...
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