On 27 December 2016, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag presided over the 278th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) at the Royal Thai Embassy. The Ambassadors of ASEAN and representatives from 10 countries attended this meeting in order to continue to enhance the role and raise awareness of ASEAN in Japan.
On 27 December 2016, H.E. Ambassador ...
On 3 August 2017, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag, attended the 282nd ASEAN Committee Meeting in Tokyo (ACT), which was held by Vietnam. On this occasion, the ASEAN Ambassadors exchanged views and opinions on the current political problems in Japan and international issues such as the South China Sea and North Korea.
On ...
On 21 September 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo organized the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Family Day 2024 at Kasai Rinkai Park. The event was well attended by over 300 participants, including diplomats, families and staff of ASEAN embassies in Japan as well as private sectors. Also attended were Mr. HIRABAYASHI ...
On 28 January 2021,H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand joined the Ambassadors of ASEAN Countries in Japan in the “Handing over Ceremony of the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Chairmanship”through online platform.During the event, H.E. USoe Han, Ambassador of Myanmar as the outgoing ACT Chair, symbolically handed over the gavel ...
On 29 June 2021, Ambassadors of ASEAN Countries in Japan including H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand, attended the “Handing-Over Ceremony of the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Chairmanship” at the International House of Japan in Tokyo. During the event,...
2024年9月21日、タイ王国大使館は葛西臨海公園でASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Family Day 2024を主催しました。在日ASEAN各大使館の外交官及びその家族を始め、各大使館の職員、日本アセアンセンターの平林国彦事務総長、民間企業、合計300名弱が参加しました。また、今年は東ティモール民主共和国大使館の代表が初参加しました。
On 7 December 2019, Ambassador Singtong Lapisatepun as the Chairman of the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Bowling Tournament 2019 at the Tokyo Port Bowl in Tokyo delivered an opening remark by having an honor of Mr. NAKAYAMA Norihiro, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr. FUJITA Masataka, Secretary-General of ASEAN-Japan ...
On 28th June 2016, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag attended the 475th “ASEAN Committee in Tokyo” meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Tokyo and exchanged views and opinions on the current political and economic situation
On 28th June 2016, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag attended the 475th ...
On 4 June 2021, ASEAN Ambassadors including H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand, participated in the 304
ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Virtual Meeting chaired by H.E. Mr. Jose C. Laurel V, Ambassador of the Philippines. During this ACT Virtual ...
2012年11月10日(土)、タイ王国大使館はASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Family Dayの主催者となり「ACT Family Day 2012」を千葉県のDIC川村記念美術館において開催しました。これは在京ASEAN各国の大使館に勤める外交官や職員、及びその家族同士の繋がりを親密にするために毎年行われ、今年はASEAN10カ国から350名以上が参加しました。開会式では、シントン・ラーピセートパン臨時代理大使、豊島輝雄千葉県国際課課長、そしてDIC川村記念美術館の住田和海館長の挨拶が行われました。同イベントでは、美術館見学や子ども向けのゲーム、ソープカービングや花輪作り体験などの様々な催し物があり、大人も子どもも楽しく参加した他、ASEAN10カ国の料理も用意されました。 ...