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Nenbutsushu Sampozan Muryojuji Head Temple

... 100-day Merit-making Grand Ceremony dedicated to H.M. the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej was conducted at the Main Hall of the Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism in the presence of many dignitaries of Thailand including H.E. General Tanasak Patimapragorn, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, H.E. Dr. Chaweerat Kasetsoontorn, Vice Minister of Culture, H.E. Bansarn Bunnag, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan. Following the Buddhist ceremony, the exhibition on the 130th Anniversary of Thailand-Japan Diplomatic Relations “A ...

The Governor of Wakayama Prefecture paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador

.... Yoshinobu Nisaka, Wakayama Governor and his delegation at the Thai Residence together with Team Thailand. Wakayama Governor reported the outcome of the visit to Thailand in last May that had opportunity to meet with Mr. Somkid Jatusripitak, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and brought 29 Wakayama’s SMEs entrepreneurs to exhibit in “ThaiFex” on 28 May 2019. The Governor also gave a speech about Value Chain in food industry in the event. The Ambassador said that Thailand and Wakayama ...

The Ambassador presided over the opening ceremony of FOODEX JAPAN 2016

... research cooperation in order to enhance the food industry in Thailand according to Thailand’s “super clusters” policy. In addition, the Ambassador also promoted 2 kinds of Thai mangos; Keow Savoey and Chok Anan, which upon the Thai Prime Minister’s request, were authorized to be imported to Japan on 24 Feb 2016. The supporting and assisting of private sectors to join this event, is under one of the government’s policies to develop Thai consumer goods according to the “Thailand ...


... 2018年7月18日,東京で「第4回日タイ・ハイレベル合同委員会」が開催されました。同委員会では,菅義偉内閣官房長官とソムキット・チャトゥシーピタク副首相(H.E. Dr. Somkid Jatusripitak,Deputy Prime Minister)が共同議長を務め、戦略的経済協力について幅広く協議をしました。概要は次の通りとなります。 1.環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TPP11)について、タイ側は、TPP11への参加の考えを確認し、日本側は同協定への参加における準備への全面的支援を改めて確認しました。両国は、タイの商務省貿易交渉局と日本の交渉委員会の委員長との事務レベルでの協議を、更に進めていくようにしました。 ...


Remarks by H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand on 25 October 2021 at 10:16-10:20 hrs. at the Asia-Pacific Commemoration of United Nations Day 2021 (4 minutes) ---------------------------- Executive Secretary Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana,...

Thailand's cabinet raises incentive rebate for foreign film production up to 20%

On 20th September 2022, Trisuree Trisoranakul, the Deputy Spokesperson of the Thai government's Prime Minister Office, announced that the Thai government has approved the allocation of the budget of 212.102 million baht from Annual Budget Expenditure 2022 to pay cash rebate for 6 foreign movies in accordance with Thailand's incentive schemes to attract ...

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

... projects have resulted in the balance of the entire ecological system, and led to sustainable development. The Royal Development Study Centres and various other projects have therefore been visited not only by practitioners but also by heads of s tate, prime ministers, as well as leaders of many countries. Eminent visitors include Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, of the United Kingdom, Their Majesties King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Sylvia of Sweden, His Excellency Nuhak ...

A Legacy That Stands by the People

A Legacy That Stands by the People Don Pramudwinai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand As we approach the end of this very challenging year of COVID-19, Thais around the world are commemorating our National Day on 5 th December, which is also the birthday of His Majesty ...

Thailand's Profile

... religious freedom and all major religions can be found in practice. Government Thailand is governed by a constitutional monarchy with His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej as Head of State. Official power rests with the government, personified by the Prime Minister, the Parliament, and a bureaucratic system that reaches down to the village level. Legislation Legislative power is vested in the Parliament, and exercised through a bicameral National Assembly consisting of the publicly elected House of Representatives ...

Disability-inclusive business models for an enabling environment

... 2013, I had the opportunity to attend a donation ceremony for artificial limbs at the R.J. Grast Memorial Hall in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and to witness the life changing impact that they had with my own eyes. The donation was made upon the request of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, whereby the Royal Thai Government, represented by TICA, in collaboration with the Prostheses Foundation of HRH the Princess Mother, donated one hundred artificial limbs to victims of the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka,...
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