
Found: 9

Visit to Akita Prefecture by Ambassador

On 24 November 2015, H.E. Ambassador Sihasak visited Akita Prefecture at the invitation of the Akita-Thailand Friendship Association. During the visit, Ambassador Sihasak paid a courtesy call on Honourable Mr. Norihisa Sakata, Governor of Akita, and had meetings with Akita Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Executives of Hokuto Bank, respectively. On 24 November 2015, H.E. Ambassador Sihasak visited Akita Prefecture at the invitation of the Akita-Thailand Friendship Association. During ...

The Ambassador paid a courtesy call on the Governor of Akita

On 30 August 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag and his spouse together with Team Thailand paid a courtesy call Mr. Norihisa Satake, Governor of Akita to express his gratitude to Akita that provides cooperation with Thailand in several fields On 30 August 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag and his spouse together with Team Thailand paid a courtesy call Mr. Norihisa Satake, Governor of Akita to ...

Ambassador held a discussion with Governor of Akita prefecture

On 4 August, 2022, H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, and his delegation paid a courtesy call on Mr. SATAKE Norihisa, Governor of Akita Prefecture, at the Akita Prefectural Government office. This was part of the Ambassador’s visit to Akita Prefecture to promote local-to-local cooperation in various areas such as trade and investment, sports, cultural exchange, education, ...

2014.02.16-18 Ambassador officially visited Akita

... the same time, providing information on trade and investment in a seminar on trade-investment in Thailand, held by Akita Prefecture and Hokuto Bank, the local bank. In the discussion with Mr. Norihisa Satake, Akita Governor, on 17 February 2014, the Governor emphasized Thailand as a region’s central of investment, where at least 21 Akita firms are investing.  Both parties shared the same opinion regarding Akita Prefectural Government and the Royal Thai Embassy working hand in hand in all aspects, especially in trade and investment.  Ambassador also encouraged Akita Prefectural ...

The Ambassador promoted cooperation with Akita Prefecture

... Tadanari Ishii, Chairman of the Akita-Thailand Friendship Association in order to attend the Inaugural General Meeting at the Castle Hotel, Akita Prefecture. During this visit, the Ambassador and delegation paid a courtesy call on Mr. Norihisa Satake, Akita Governor. Khunying Pattama Leesawasdrakula, Chairman of the Badminton Association of Thailand, Under Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King and Mr. Pradchar Pradyawong, Director of Noble Mono Co., Ltd. participated as well. Both sides exchanged views and opinions on how to strengthen bilateral relations....

Chargé d'Affaires, ad interim visited Akita Prefecture.

Ms. Prangtip Kanchanahattakij, Chargé d'Affaires, ad interim visited Akita Prefecture on November 28, 2023, reinforcing regional ties. The visit included meetings with Mr. SATAKE Norihisa, Governor of Akita Prefecture, and Mr. HOZUMI Motomu, Mayor of Akita City, focusing on economic collaboration, trade and tourism promotion. Through the meetings, CDA Prangtip encouraged Akita Prefecture businessmen to invest in EV, green, and creative economies. ...

Hokuto Bank paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador

On 13 October 2015, Mr. Kazushi Sasabuchi, Managing Director of Hokuto Bank, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ambassador Sihasak Phuangketkeow to discuss the outcome of the previous official visit of the Akita Governor, between 16-19 August. On 13 October 2015, Mr. Kazushi Sasabuchi, Managing Director of Hokuto Bank, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ambassador Sihasak Phuangketkeow to discuss the outcome of the previous official visit of the Akita Governor, between ...


 2022年8月4日、シントン・ラーピセートパン大使が秋田県庁にて経済、スポーツ、文化、教育、そして観光などの様々な面での地域協力を促進するため秋田県を訪問した際に佐竹敬久秋田県知事を表見訪問しました。 この機会に大使は、秋田県はタイのBCG政策に沿って再生可能エネルギーの利用が進んでいるため、風力エネルギー関連の視察団と共に訪問した日本のエネルギー分野に投資しているタイの民間部門を紹介しました。

เอกอัครราชทูตฯ หารือกับผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัดอะคิตะ

เมื่อวันที่ 4 สิงหาคม 2565 นายสิงห์ทอง ลาภพิเศษพันธุ์ เอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงโตเกียวและคณะได้เข้าเยี่ยมคารวะนาย SATAKE Norihisa ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัดอะคิตะ ณ ศาลาว่าการจังหวัด ในโอกาสที่เอกอัครราชทูตฯ...
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