
Found: 34

2014.04.04 Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Labor of Thailand visited the Embassy on 4 April 2014

On 4 April 2014, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor of Thailand, together with other delegates, paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency Mr. Thanatip Upatising to discuss about the Thai labor situation in Japan. The delegation also has a plan to visit IMM Japan and also Thai labor in many cities in ...

The Ambassador met with Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan

On 11 July 2017, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag together with Mr. Cherdchai Chaivaivid, Minister paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Yasuhira Shiozaki ,Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and the President of Thai-Japanese Friendship Association of LDP at Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. On 11 July 2017, H.E. Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag together with Mr. Cherdchai Chaivaivid, Minister paid a courtesy call on H.E....

Ambassador discussed with Thailand Professional Qualification Institute

... Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, welcomed Mr. Nakorn Silpa-archa, Chairman of Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI), and his party. The discussion revolved around TPQI’s developments and procedures on certification of skills for Thai labors in Japan and means to promote Thai labors in the caregiver sector to accommodate the aging society. The TPQI also expressed readiness to support the Embassy’s activity on enhancing the professional skill levels of the Thais who reside or work ...

The Ambassador chaired the Team Thailand Meeting in July 2019

... Bansarn Bunnag chaired the Thai Team in Tokyo Meeting. The meeting was an opportunity for Thai organizations in Japan, including the Embassy, BOI office, Office of Commercial Affairs, Office of Agricultural Affairs, Office of Industrial Affairs, Office of Labor Affairs, Office of Educational Affairs, On 8 July 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag chaired the Team Thailand Meeting in July 2019. The meeting was an opportunity for Thai organizations in Japan, including the Embassy, BOI office, Office of Commercial ...

2013.05.10 Ambassador witnessed Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology and Kinki University signing MoU on academic exchange and cooperation

... Japanese business was likely to continue increasing its investment in the country.  He continued that the Royal Thai Government welcomed this opportunity and was ready to support Japanese business, especially by developing investment environment and labor.  In this regards, the Royal Thai Government intended to immediately develop skilled labor to support Japanese investment in Thailand.  He praised TNI, which had played an important role in creating efficient and relevant human resource that could ...

New Requirement documents For non Immigrant B VISA

... within three(3) months on the date of visa application. Non-immigrant-B (Working) Applicant must apply in person. The stay for single entry Non-immigrant B visa is for ninety (90) days or less. The applicant may apply for work permit at the Ministry of Labor of Thailand and the extension of stay at the Immigration Bureau of Thailand. Only single entry Non-immigrant B visa will be issued to the applicant Fee for Non-immigrant (B) visa: single entry 9,000 Yen Non-Japanese applicant holding passports ...

Minister of Labour of the Kingdom of Thailand visited the Embassy

On 27 March 2019, Minister Cherdchai Chaivaivid welcomed Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labour of the Kingdom of Thailand in order to discuss the new labour law of Japan. On 27 March 2019, Minister Cherdchai Chaivaivid welcomed Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labour of the Kingdom of Thailand in order to discuss the amendment of labour law of Japan.


    2024年12月2日、ウィッチュ・ウェチャーチーワ大使はポンラウィー・ナクピパット公使参事官(労働)とともにタイ王国大使館にて、サリットポン・ケオコン委員長率いる下院労働委員会を歓迎し、意見交換を行いました。     双方は、今後5年間で日本が外国人労働者80万人の受け入れを計画していることから、タイの労働力の強化が必要であるという認識を深めました。中でも特にタイ人労働者の日本語能力の向上や海外で働くための渡航コストの削減が挙げられました。この他、日本国内におけるタイ人の不法滞在問題について協議し、問題を解決するために、タイ側では不法滞在を助長する集団を厳しく取り締まるなど、具体的な措置を講じる必要性があると強調しました。

日本国内のタイ人労働力市場拡大のため、 タイ送出機関とMOL Overseas Matching開催

     2024年12月19日、ピパット・ラチャキットプラカーン労働大臣は、ブンソン・タップシャイユット労働次官や労働省幹部、在東京タイ王国大使館のプラーンティップ・ガーンジャナハッタキット公使とともに、タイ送出機関とMOL Overseas Matching (Ministry of Labour Overseas Matching) 開会式に参加しました。この会談は、在日タイ労働担当官事務所とタイ王国大使館の協力によって開催され、日本の出入国管理局や厚生労働省、外国人技能実習機構、その他関連会社からの代表等、120名以上が参加しました。...

The Ambassador welcomed the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor

On 5 September 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag welcomed Pol. Maj. Romayong Surakitbunharn, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and the delegation They have been visiting to Japan in order to follow the outcome of the Thai labour skill development promotion program in foreign countries. (Thai Cooking Department) On 5 September 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag welcomed Pol. Maj. Romayong Surakitbunharn, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and the delegation They...
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