On 3 February 2011, the Small Interest Group of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society, led by Mme Aumaporn Futrakul, Ambassador’s spouse, organized an event called “Introduction to Asian musical instruments”. Thai, Indonesian and Japanese musical instruments were introduced and performed in the event, where 40 members attended
On 3 February 2011, the Small Interest Group of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society, led by Mme Aumaporn Futrakul, Ambassador’s spouse, organized an...
2024年7月12日、カンヤラット・ウェチャーチーワ大使夫人は、アジア婦人友好会(ALFS)のメンバーと各国の外交官夫人を招待して、タイのハーブとスパイスのワークショップ「The Art and Health of Thai Cuisine」を大使館ホールで開催しました。
... 2024, Mrs. Kanyarat Vejjajiva, spouse of the Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, hosted the workshop called “The Art and Health of Thai Cuisine” at the Embassy. The workshop was attended by members of Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS) and diplomats’ spouses.
This workshop aimed to promote and share the knowledge about Thai herbal ingredients, including how they are used in Thai people’s daily life. In addition, Mrs. Kanyarat also hosted lunch for the participants, using ...
During 23-24 February 2012, Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society members joined the Thai North-eastern cuisine cooking class at the Residence. Mme Aumaporn Futrakul, Ambassador’s spouse, gave a briefing on Thailand’s North-eastern culture and tourist information and demonstrated how to cook the region’s food : Somtam (Spicy papaya salad) and Laab Kai (Chicken Laab). Ten members of the society attended each day. ▼ 23 February 2012 ▼ ▼ 24 February 2012 ▼
During 23-24 February...
... กรุงโตเกียวได้จัดกิจกรรมแนะนำพืชสมุนไพรของไทย “The Art and Health of Thai Cuisine” ให้แก่สมาชิก Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS) และคู่สมรสนักการทูตต่างประเทศ ณ หอประชุมสถานเอกอัครราชทูตฯ
กิจกรรมครั้งนี้มีขึ้นเพื่อเผยแพร่ความรู้ความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับพืชสมุนไพรไทย ...