
Found: 94

Minister Counsellor attended a Reporting Session of the JENESYS

... Metropolitan. There were 14 Thai representatives attending the session, including high school and university students as well as representatives from the Ministry of Education of Thailand. The "JENESYS" project aimed to encourage participants to experience Japanese culture through various activities. The students were given opportunities to stay with a Japanese host family and to visit sightseeing places in Shizuoka Prefecture. The topic of “agriculture” was first introduced this ...

Fine Thai in Your Area 2023 Prizes Presentation Ceremony

... in their neighborhood. The campaign was held in 3 areas: "Eating" which provided promotions and special discounts from 48 participating restaurants, "Shopping" which offered Thai products at special prices from 35 shops and "Experience" which offered special packages to experience Thai arts and culture through 28 participating institutions. The online platform of the campaign gained 870,419 views in total. Fine Thai in Your Area 2023 is one of the collaborations among ...

2nd grade students experience Muay Thai demonstration along with getting to know Thailand.

On 15 December 2020, the 2 nd  grade students of Umenoki Elementary School, Kita Ward, Tokyo, had an opportunity to get to know Thailand, Thai food and Thai culture and gained experience on the uniqueness of Muay Thai, as the School is an official supporter of Thailand during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games next year. On 15 December 2020, the 2 nd grade students of Umenoki Elementary School, Kita Ward, Tokyo, had an ...

Fine Thai in Your Area 2023プレゼント当選者への贈呈式

... Areaプロジェクトも同時開催しました。代々木公園に行くことが出来ない方にも、タイを楽しんでもらうことを目的にしており、3つのカテゴリーで行いました。「Eating食べタイ」ではタイレストラン48店舗が参加し特別提供品や割引などを行い、「Shopping買いタイ」ではタイ物産品の業者35店舗が参加し限定セットや特別価格で販売し、「Experience体験しタイ」ではタイ文化を教える学校など28団体が参加しました。大使館のSNSなどによるプロジェクトの総閲覧数は870,419回でした。  プロジェクト「Fine Thai in Your Area 2023」は、在京タイ王国大使館、大阪総領事館、福岡総領事館、商務参事官事務所、タイ国政府観光庁東京事務所といった、在日タイ政府関連機関による協力事業です。

03.16 GSDF Staff College visited the Ambassador

... Commander in Chief of General Staff Defense Force (GSDF) Staff, along with GSDF officials and students, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ambassador Virasakdi Futrakul at the Thai Residence. The delegation visited Japan during 10-17 March 2012 to exchange experiences on national defense affairs. On 16 March 2012, Major General Suthat Kanchananonkul, Commander in Chief of General Staff Defense Force (GSDF) Staff, along with GSDF officials and students, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ambassador Virasakdi ...

A delegation from Srikranuanwittayakhom School visited the embassy

On 4 October 2017, Mr.Thanat Chaiytip, director of Srikranuanwittayakhom School, and colleagues paid a visit to the Royal Thai embassy, on occasion of visiting Japan in order to exchange knowledge, increase experience, and develop the course of learning methods management for students. On 4 October 2017, Mr.Thanat Chaiytip, director of Srikranuanwittayakhom School, and colleagues paid a visit to the Royal Thai embassy, on occasion of visiting Japan in ...

Thai food and agricultural products Promotion Project in Japan through online media

... promoting popular food and restaurants in Japan.  Afterwards, the Embassy will invite the curators in this project to taste Thai food at Thai restaurants certified as Thai Select Restaurant by Ministry of Commerce of Thailand before going to Thailand to experience the real Thai culture and lifestyle in Thailand; especially Thai food and Thai food product. In addition, they will also express their information and experience through http://r.gnavi.co.jp/ippin

Ambassador Singtong Lapisatepun gives an interview to RBA Times

On 18 March 2020 Ambassador Singtong Lapisatepun gave an interview to RBA Times on his student time in Japan, his life experience since the beginning of his diplomat career and his perspectives on the close relations between Thailand and Japan. He also welcomed Mr. NOBOHIRO Kume, President of RBA International, on the same occasion. On 18 March 2020 Ambassador Singtong ...

The Embassy gave a lecture at the Tokyo Univesity of Foreign Studies

... November 2019, Mrs. Dheerangkun Uchino, First Secretary gave a lecture in the translation class under the theme of "Diplomatic Interpreters" to the 14 students of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. First Secretary talked about her own duty, experience and inspiration. On this occasion, she had opportunity to pay a courtesy call on the Mr. Jun Matsukuma, Vice President of the university and discussed the characteristic of the mentioned university as well as the cooperation with the Royal ...

Ambassador gave an interview to NHK's Don-tri-pa-teaw radio program

On 12 February 2020, Ambassador Singtong Lapisatepun gave an interview to NHK's Don-tri-pa-teaw radio program in Thai. Ambassador described his experience in Japan when he was a student in Japan 40 years ago. On 12 February 2020, Ambassador Singtong Lapisatepun gave an interview to NHK's Don-tri-pa-teaw radio program in Thai. Ambassador described his experience in Japan when he was a student ...
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