2020年7月16日、シントン・ラーピセートパン大使とサイション・アカニッタヴォン公使参事官(労働)は、公益財団法人国際人材育成機構IM JAPAN の金森仁会長の表敬訪問を受け、日本でのタイ人労働者受け入れ拡大における協力について協議しました。
2020年7月16日、シントン・ラーピセートパン大使とサイション・アカニッタヴォン公使参事官(労働)は、公益財団法人国際人材育成機構(IM ...
On 25 November 2018, Mr. Cherdchai Chaivaivid, Minister and Mr. Saichon Akanitvong, Minister Counsellor (Labour) attended the 25th Anniversary of the IMJapan Technical Intership Programme at the Tokyo Prince Hotel. In his greetings, Minister Cherdchai mentioned the role of IMJapan that accepted
On 25 November 2018, Mr. Cherdchai Chaivaivid, Minister and Mr. Saichon Akanitvong, Minister Counsellor (Labour) ...
On 24th February 2015, Mr. Kyoei Yanagisawa, President of International Manpower Development Organization (IMJapan) along with the Management Team paid a courtesy
On 24
February 2015, Mr. Kyoei Yanagisawa, President of International Manpower Development Organization (IMJapan) along with the Management Team paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Ambassador Bansarn ...
... Kittisuwan, Minister-Counsellor (Labour), represented the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo in the Robe- offering Ceremony at Wat Im Boon Dharma Ram, Tokyo. Other representatives from the Team Thailand attending the said event included Mr. Seksan Sripraiwan ... .... Moreover, the Embassy also provided the temple with health-caring books, Kanji handbooks and handbooks for Thai workers in Japan so that the temple could distribute them for Thai nationals living in the surrounding area.
The said Robe- offering Ceremony ...
On 21 June 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag and officials from the Royal Thai Embassy joined the merit-making ceremony to the monks at Wat Im Bunthamaram, Tokyo and met with Thai people living in Japan. After making merit at the temple, the abbot of Wat Imbun led the ambassador and other people to pay homage to the nearby Great Musashino Daibutsu.
On 21 June 2019, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag and officials from the Royal Thai Embassy joined the ...