... gallery 12th Thai Festival Opening Ceremony photos< - click on any photo to enter - >Stage activities and performances photos < - click on any photo to enter - >Visitors and atmosphere at the 12th Thai Festival photos < - click on any photo to enter - >Exhibition and the Royal Thai Embassy booths photos < - click on any photo to enter - >Donation for Thailand’s flood photos < - click on any photo to enter - > Winners of the 12th Thai Festival prizes photos< - click on any photo to enter ...
On 30 July 2018, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado graced the Royal Thai Embassy with her presence at the Photo Selection Meeting for the "JAPAN THROUGH DIPLOMATS'S EYES" PhotoExhibition 2018
On 30 July 2018, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado graciously attended the Photo Selection Meeting for the Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition at the Royal Thai Embassy along with His Excellency Mr. Bansarn Bunnag,...
On 16 August 2022, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado graciously attended the Photo Selection Meeting for the Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition at the Royal Thai Embassy, along with His Excellency Mr. SingtongLapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan and other members of the Executive Committee of Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition.
Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes ...
On 6 October 2022,H.E. Mr. SingtongLapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailandto Japan, attended the award ceremony of “Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes” PhotoExhibition 2022 at Roppongi Hills Café. The Exhibition this year was held under the theme of “Japan-on the move” to reflect people’s common desire to be on the move again after a long halt duringthe COVID-19 pandemic.
The award ceremony was ...
On 6 October 2021,H.E. Mr. Singtong Lapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan, attended the opening ceremony of “Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes” PhotoExhibition 2021 at Roppongi Hills Café. The Exhibition this year was held under the theme of “Let’s Reconnect!” to reflect reconnection of people after having to keep social distance during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic.
The opening ceremony ...
... April 2021, H.E. Mrs. Tatiana IOSIPER, Ambassador of Romania to Japan, paid a courtesy call on Ambassador SingtongLapisatepun, Ambassador of Thailand to Japan. Both discussed possible cooperation on “Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes” PhotoExhibition, to which HIH Princess Takamado has served as honorary president of the exhibition’s executive committee.
“Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes” PhotoExhibition started in 1998 with an aim to be a window for foreign diplomats in Japan to ...
On 7 November 2018, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, the Honorary Chairperson of Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition, presided over the executive meeting for the Japan through Diplomats' Eyes PhotoExhibition which Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag has been acting as the Chairman of the Executive Committee at the Royal Thai Embassy. This meeting aimed to set the ...
On 3 October 2017, H.E. Mr. Bansarn Bunnag, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to Japan, attended the open ceremony of “Japan through Diplomats’ eyes” photoexhibition in Roppongi Hills, which also attended by H.I.H. Princess Takamado.
On 3 October 2017, H.E. Mr. Bansarn Bunnag, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to Japan, attended the open ceremony of “Japan through Diplomats’ eyes” photoexhibition ...
On 8 October 2019, with the presence Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, the Honorary Chairperson of Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag, attended the awarding ceremony and opening
On 8 October 2019, with the presence Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, the Honorary Chairperson of Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition, Ambassador ...
On 10 October 2018, with the presence Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, the Honorary Chairperson of Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes PhotoExhibition, Ambassador Bansarn Bunnag, on his capacity as the Chairman of the Executive Committee attended the awarding ceremony and opening reception of this year’s PhotoExhibition held at Roppongi Hills Café.
On 10 October 2018, with the presence ...